Kelp Greenling

Greenlings and Lingcod: Family Hexagrammidae Species: Hexagrammos decagrammus (Pallas, 1810); from two combinations of Greek words; hex (six) and gramma (line), deca (ten) and gramma (line, referring to the number of lateral lines on the side of the fish). Alternate Names: Commonly called seatrout; also…

Black Perch

Surfperches/Seaperches: Family Embiotocidae Species: Embiotoca jacksoni (Agassiz, 1853); from the Greek word embiotoca (bringing forth living young), and jacksoni (in honor of A. C. Jackson of San Francisco, who first noted that these perch give birth to living young and brought it to the attention…

Pacific Tomcod

Cods: Family Gadidae Species: Microgadus proximus (Girard, 1854); from the Greek words micros (small) and gadus (codfish), and the Latin word proximus (next). Alternate Names: Tomcod, piciata and wachna. Identification: Typical cod-like shape with three dorsal fins and two anal fins. Tomcod have a short…

Pacific Butterfish

Species: Peprilus simillimus (Ayres, 1860); from the Greek word pepricos (one of Hesychian’s unknown fish) and the Latin word simillimus (very similar, in reference to a similar Atlantic butterfish). Alternate Names: Pompano, California pompano, Pacific pompano and dollarfish. Called palometa plateada in Mexico. Identification: A…

Redtail Surfperch

Surfperches/Seaperches: Family Embiotocidae Species: Amphistichus rhodoterus (Agassiz, 1854); from the Greek words amphi (double), stoichus (series, referring to the two rows of teeth in each jaw), and rhodoterus (rosy). Family Embiotocidae, subfamily Amphistichinae. Alternate Names: Redtail perch, rosy surf fish and porgy (or porgie). Identification:…

Sarcastic Fringehead

Kelpfishes and Fringeheads: Family Clinidae Species: Neoclinus blanchardi (Girard, 1858); from the Greek words neos (young) and clin (recline), and Blanchard (in reference to its discoverer). Alternate Names: Twospot fringehead or fringehead. Called tubícola chusco or blenia in Mexico. Identification: Typical slender blenny-shape but with…

California Lizardfish

Lizardfishes: Family Synodontidae Species: Synodus lucioceps (Ayres, 1855); from the Greek word synodus (the ancient name of a fish in which the teeth meet), and the Latin word lucioceps (pike head). Alternate Names: Gar, barracuda, candlefish. Called lagarto lucio or chile lucio in Mexico. Identification:…

Grass Rockfish

Scorpionfishes and Rockfishes: Family Scorpaenidae Species: Sebastes rastrelliger (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880); from the Greek words sebastes (magnificent) and rastrelliger (a rake, in reference to the stubby gill rakers). Grass Rockfish caught by frozendog Alternate Names: Often called a variation of bass—grass bass, rock bass,…

Kelp Bass

Sea Basses: Family Serranidae Species: Paralabrax clathratus (Girard, 1854); from the Greek words para (near) and labrax (a European bass), and the Latin clathratus (latticed, referring to the coloring on the back). Kelp bass caught by Angel Hernandez at the Crystal Pier in San Diego…

White Sturgeon

Sturgeons: Family Acipenseridae Acipenser transmontanus, the bottom feeder, Moves sluggishly through the turbid depths of the estuary Its truncated mouth sifting the silty bottom Groping for herring egg, ghost shrimp and worm… “Bottom Feeder” — Kirk Lombard and the Rube Waddell Band Species: Acipenser transmontanus…