Northern Anchovy

Picture courtesy of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Anchovies: Family Engraulididae Species: Engraulis mordax (Girard, 1854); from the Greek word engraulis (European anchovy) and the Latin word mordax (biting). Alternate Names: Anchovy, California anchovy, pinheads (small anchovies). Called anchoveta or anchoveta norteña in…

Fantail Sole

Lefteye Flounders: Family Bothidae Species: Xystreurys liolepis (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880); from the Greek words Xystreurys (meaning raker and wide), and liolepis (smooth and scale). Alternate Names: Long fin sole, long finned flounder, fantail halibut, fantail flounder, true petrale. Identification: Oval-shaped with a highly arched…

C-O Sole

Righteye Flounders: Family Pleuronectidae Species: Pleuronichthys coenosus (Girard 1854); from the Greek words pleuron (side) and ichthys (fish), and the Latin word coenosus (muddy). Alternate Names: Mottled turbot, C-O turbot, and popeye sole. Identification: An oval-shaped, right-eyed member of the flatfish family. C-O sole are…

Giant (Black) Sea Bass

Wreckfishes: Family Polyprionidae Species: Stereolepis giga (Ayres, 1859); from the Greek words sterolepsis (firm scales) and gigas (giant). Although called a bass, bass-like might be more appropriate since they are considered members of the family Polyprionidae—Wreckfishes. Alternate Names: Commonly called black sea bass in our fair state…

Shortfin Mako Shark

Species: Isurus oxyrinchus (Rafinesque, 1810); from the Greek word isurus (equal and tail) and the Greek word oxyinchus (sharp snout). Alternate Names: Mako is the work used by the Maori in New Zealand to describe sharks, but this is another shark with many names. In…

Silver Salmon

Trouts and Salmon: Family Salmonidae Species: Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum, 1792); from the Greek roots onkos (hook), rhynchos (nose), and kisutch (the vernacular name for the species in Alaska and Kamchatka, USSR). Alternate Names: Coho salmon, silversides, hooknose, hookbill, blueback (young salmon), jack salmon, tschaviche, showitz,…

California Moray

Morays: Family Muraenidae Species: Gymnothorax mordax (Ayres, 1859); from the Greek words gymno and thorax (naked breast or lack of scales) and the Latin word mordax (prone to bite). Alternate Names: Moray or conger eel. Early-day names included marina and muraena. Called morena de California…

Great White Shark

Species: Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758); from the Greek carcharodon (rough and tooth), and carcharias (the ancient Greek name for the species). Alternate Names: It has many names throughout the world. Most common are great white and man-eater. Others include great white death, white pointer, Mango-ururoa…

Green Sturgeon

Sturgeons: Family Acipenseridae Species: Acipenser medirostris (Ayres, 1854); from the Latin words Acipenser (bony cartilage), medi (moderate), and rostris (snout). Alternate Names: Golden sturgeon. Called esturión verde in Mexico. Identification: Green sturgeon have streamlined, shark-like bodies with a pointed head that is longer than white…

Onespot Fringehead

Kelpfishes and Fringeheads: Family Clinidae Alternate Names: Fringehead or onespot. Called tubícola mancha singular or blenia in Mexico. Identification: Typical slender blenny-shape, but with a large head and a very large mouth. Their long dorsal fin extends from the rear of the head almost to…