Olive Rockfish

Scorpionfishes and Rockfishes: Family Scorpaenidae Species: Sebastes serranoides (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1890); from the Greek words sebastes (magnificent), and serranoides, a combination of Latin and Greek words (resembling a bass). Alternate Names: Sugar bass, Johnny bass or Jonathan (in Southern California), greenie (in central California);…

Gopher Rockfish

Scorpionfishes and Rockfishes: Family Scorpaenidae Species: Sebastes carnatus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880); from the Greek word sebastes (magnificent), and the Latin word carnatus (flesh colored). Alternate Names: Butterball, butter bass, gopher cod. Called rocote amarillo in Mexico. Identification: Deep, stout body with a steep porofile.…

Pacific Sardine

Herring: Family Clupeidae Species: Sardinops sagax (Jenyns, 1842); from the Latin word sardine (sardina), the Greek word ops (like), and the Latin word sagux (of quick perception, acute or alert). Alternate Names: Pilchard, ‘dines, dinies (small sardines) and dinos, firecrackers (small sardines), rhinos or trout…

Rock Greenling

Greenlings and Lingcod: Family Hexagrammidae Species: Hexagrammos lagocephalus (Pallas, 1810); from the Greek words hex (six), gramma (line), lagos (hare) and cephelos (head, referring to the large pair of cirri on the head, attached to the edge of the eye). Alternate Names: Commonly called seatrout…

Ocean Whitefish

Tilefishes: Family Malacanthidae Species: Caulolatilus princeps (Jenyns, 1840); from the Greek words caulo (stem) and latilus (probably a similar fish) and the Latin word princeps (leader). Alternate Names: Poor man’s yellowtail, whities, blanquillo, blanka. In Mexico called pez blanco, blanquillo fino or pierna. Identification: Elongate…

Copper Rockfish

Scorpionfishes and Rockfishes: Family Scorpaenidae Species: Sebastes caurinus (Richardson, 1844); from the Greek word sebastes (magnificent). and the Latin word caurinus (northwest wind), a reference to the first specimens being taken in the northwest off of Sitka, Alaska. Alternate Names: Chucklehead, whitebelly rockfish, white gopher,…


Scorpionfishes and Rockfishes: Family Scorpaenidae Species: Sebastes serriceps (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880); from the Greek words sebastes (magnificent), and serriceps (formed from two Latin words meaning saw head) in reference to the large head spines. Alternate Names: Convict fish, lipstick bass, lipstick fish, barber pole…

Brown Rockfish

Scorpionfishes and Rockfishes: Family Scorpaenidae Species: Sebastes auriculatus (Girard, 1854); from the Greek word sebastes (magnificent) and the Latin word auriculatus (eared, referring to the large spot on the gill cover). Alternate Names: Chocolate bass is a common name as is bolina (from Bolinas Bay…

Black & Yellow Rockfish

Scorpionfishes and Rockfishes: Family Scorpaenidae Species: Sebastes chrysomelas (Jordan & Gilbert 1881); from the Greek word sebastes (magnificent), and the Latin word chrysomelas (black and yellow). Alternate Names: Black-and-tan rockfish, black-and-yellow rock cod, and sand bass. Early commercial fishermen in California (who often were Italian…

Blue Rockfish

Scorpionfishes and Rockfishes: Family Scorpaenidae Species: Sebastes mystinus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1881); from the Greek words sebastes (magnificent) and mystas (priest, referring to the dark color of a priest’s clothing). Alternate Names: Often called blue bass, blue fish, blue perch and reef perch; also confused…