Pacific Electric Ray

Electric Rays: Family Torpedinidae Species: Tetronarce californica; (Ayres, 1855); from the Greek word torpedo (for numbness—from the electric shock) and californica (for California, where the first specimens were taken). Formerly Torpedo californica. Alternate Names: Torpedo ray, numbfish, crampfish or torpedo. Called torpedo del Pacifico or torpedo…

California Butterfly Ray

Species: Gymnura marmorata (Cooper, 1864); from the Greek word gymnos (bare) and the Latin word marmoratus (marbled). Alternate Names: stingray, butterfly stingray, eagle ray, diamond ray or butterfly ray. In Mexico it’s called raya mariposa de California. In Denmark it’s apparently called Californisk sommerfuglerokke; not…

Pacific Herring

Herring: Family Clupeidae Species: Clupea harengus pallasi (Valenciennes, 1847); from the Latin word clupea (herring), the Low Latin word harengus, which probably comes from old High German, possibly associated with (das) herr, (army or multitude, in reference to the formation of large schools), and pallasi,…

Striped Mullet

Mullet caught at Carlsbad by jkim in 2004 Mullets: Family Mugilidae Species: Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758); from mugal (meaning to suck, in reference to their feeding behavior) and cephalus (pertaining to their distinctive head Alternate Names: Mullet or grey mullet. Called lisa or lisa rayada…


Greenlings and Lingcod: Family Hexagrammidae Species: Ophidon elongatus (Girard, 1854); from the Greek words ophis (snake) and odons (tooth), and the Latin word elongatus (elongate shaped). Alternate Names: Ling, Pacific cultus, cultus cod, leopard cod, blue cod, gator, greenlinger, green cod and my favorites—slinky linky…

Specklefin Midshipman

Toadfishes: Family Batrachoididae Species: Porichthys myriaster (Hubbs & Schultz, 1939); from the Greek words porus (a passage), ichthys (fish), myri (many), and aster (stars—in reference to the dots on the head and body). Alternate Names: Toadfish, speckled midshipman, bullhead, singing fish. Called sapo aleta manchada…

Basketweave Cusk-Eel

Cusk-Eel from the Newport Pier Cusk-Eels: Family Ophidiidae Species: Ophidion Scrippsae (Hubbs, 1916); from the words otophidium (referring to the large sacklike inner ear) and scrippsi (in honor of Ellen Browning Scripps who helped establish the Scripps Institution of Oceanography). Formerly Otophidium scrippsi. Alternate Names: Eel…

Yellow Snake Eel

Snake Eels and Worm Eels: Family Ophichthidae Species: Ophichthus zophochir (Jordan & Gilbert, 1882); Ophichthus, from two Greek words meaning serpent and fish, and the Greek zophochir, for darkness and hand (dark pectoral fins). Alternate Names: Eww, a snake! In Mexico called Tieso Amarillo; in…

Painted Greenling

Family Zaniolepididae — Combfishes Species: Oxylebius pictus (Gill, 1862); from the Greek words oxys (sharp) and lepys (kettle—fish) and the Latin word pictus (picture). Formerly considered part of the Hexagrammidae family along with greenling and lingcod but recently moved into Family Zaniolepididae. Alternate Names: Often called…

Pacific Hake

Hakes: Family Merlucciidae Species: Merluccius productus (Ayres, 1855); from the Latin words merluccius (an ancient name meaning sea pike) and procuctus (drawn out). Alternate Names: Cod, hake, silver hake, Pacific whiting, haddock, whitefish, popeye and oatmeal fish. Early-day names included mellusa and meluzette. In Mexico…