
Wrasses: Family Labridae Species: Oxyjulis californica (Gunther, 1861); from the Greek words oxy (sharp, for sharp nosed fish) and julis (an old world genus of wrasses), and californica (from California, the location of the first fish studied). Alternate Names: Kelp fish, kelp wrasse, butterfish, iodine…


Damselfishes: Family Pomacentridae Species: Chromis punctipinnis (Cooper, 1863); from the Greek word chromis (a croaker) and the Latin words punctipinnis (spot fin). Alternate Names: Blue perch, kelp perch, rock bass and black perch. In Mexico called castañeta herrera. Identification: Perch-shaped but not so deep—compressed and…

Sharpnose Seaperch

Surfperches: Family Embiotocidae Species: Phanerodon atripes (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880); from the Greek root words phaneros (meaning evident) and odons (tooth) meaning (for some reason) that this fish does not have large teeth and the Latin words atri (entrance or black) and pes (base of…

Silver Surfperch

Picture courtesy of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Surfperches: Family Embiotocidae Species: Hyperprosopon ellipticum (Gibbons, 1854); from the Greek root words hyper (above) and prosopon (face, from the upward direction of the face), and the Latin word ellipticum (elliptical, referring to the outline of…

Kelp Perch

Surfperches: Family Embiotocidae Species: Brachyistius frenatus (Gill, 1862); from the Greek words brachys (short) and istion (sail), and the Latin word frenatus (bridled). Family Embiotocidae, subfamily Embiotocinae. Alternate Names: Brown seaperch, brown perch and kelp seaperch. In Mexico called mojarra sargacera or perca. Identification: Typical…

Reef Perch

Surfperches: Family Embiotocidae Species: Micrometrus aurora (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880); from the Greek words mikros (small) and metr (having a womb), and the Latin word aurora (sunrise). Family Embiotocidae, subfamily Embiotocinae. Alternate Names: Reef surfperch. In Mexico called mojarra de arrecife or perca. Identification: Typical…

White Seaperch

Surfperches: Family Embiotocidae Species: Phanerodon furcatus (Girard, 1854); from the Greek root words phaneros (evident) and odons (tooth) and the Latin word furcatus (forked tail). Family Embiotocidae, subfamily Embiotocinae. Alternate Names: Splittail perch, forktail perch and white perch. In Mexico called mojarra lomo rayado. Identification:…