Last modified: August 6, 2018

5 Responses

  1. I was a small boy when the pier was built. As a family we used to fish from the rocks. Once the pier came into place we fished from it every weekend during the summer months. Occasionally we would return to the rocks for fishing. Overall the pier and the rocks provided abundant variety of fish and very large fish. As the area became more popular among fisherman the volume of fish caught and the large number of fish caught reduced dramatically. We caught tons of walleye perch, queenfish, jacksmelt, calico bass, bonito, halibut, barracuda, sandsharks, bat rays. Just a great variety. The water was clear and clean. From the rocks we caught opeleye, sargo, butterworth perch, walleye, kelpfish, senorita, bass, corbina. I’m sure I’ve forgotten other types of fish. It was always a blast. Frozen anchovies cost fifty cents a bag!

    Tons of memories and lots of photos keep this special place alive for me to this day!

  2. My father built that peir, and I was the first person on it the day it opend. Look up that day in history. I also caught a 100 lb Spider crab from the center and a man came over to help me lift it. My dad made a makeshift crab net from a TV stand frame and some net. Worked wonderful. I can tell you you stories of that beach as well.

  3. My boyfriend an I came from New York to live in Laguna Hills. My family owned Kaplans Restaurants all.through out southern CA.
    We would get off work and went straight to the beach.
    We had made friends with the locals. We thought the pier was beautiful and very relaxing for fishing.
    I was amazed how beautiful the water was. It was something I never seen before in my life.
    As time went on we moved away to Palm Springs.
    When we got married in Palm Springs we decided to take our honeymoon to the place we truly loved.
    In 1987 we had a daughter, of course we took her to our beautiful spot at the beach. She fell in love with the ocean.We make a trip to this beach every year. We were sadden that the pier was gone.
    Now that we have our first grandchild a little boy, he’s also loves the beach, even though he’s a toddler .
    I always hoped the pier would get rebuilt.
    Aliso beach has tons of memories for my family and I.
    Last week we drove to the beach just to relax.
    We will never forget Aliso beach pier and all of the happiness that it gave 2 New Yorkers.

    1. The pier was a favorite of many including myself.

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