Although the history of California’s coastline includes many piers that are today just traces of history, few lasted as long, or saw as many challenges and changes, as the pier at Point Mugu.
It is also less known than some piers even though it was a very popular pier. The reason is that for more than fifty years it was part of the Naval Air Station at Pt. Mugu. As to be expected, access was limited to military personnel and their dependents. Apparently it was an excellent pier for many species including deep-water fish from time to time but unfortunately the winter storms of 1993 not only destroyed the pier but also hammered and rearranged the entire beach area. Today both pier and beach are gone but the Pt. Mugu Lagoon bears witness to an area that once was a favored source of recreation.
Sinker, (Tm Durham), one of the original leaders on the Pier Fishing in California Message Board, fondly remembers the pier: “The (Pt. Mugu) pier was located on the Naval Air Station, Pt. Mugu—U.S. Navy Base. It was actually the second pier built on the base. The first was destroyed during an early storm but they chose not to rebuild that one as they put in a jet engine test facility in that area. They did build another one though, which is what I am familiar with.
This pier is listed in my biography as my father and I spent many, many hours and days there. When I returned from New York, I went to fish that pier only to find that the last bad El Nino not only took it out but also the Officers Club, the Beach Cabins and the Beach Motel. They used to have beaches on either side of the pier (one for enlisted and one for officers). The Officers Beach no longer exists as the natural lagoon has overtaken the large beach area. I used to fish the entrance to the lagoon for sharks with great success and the pier saw absolutely incredible fishing.

From my Biography, under Favorite Pier: ‘this pier was incredible—halibut, croaker, bonito, smelt, queenfish, bass, rockfish, perch, sharks, rays, crabs, lobsters—you name it, this pier has pretty well seen it. This pier is where I learned the most about fishing, technique, presentation, knots, fish identification, proper and safe handling of fish (for myself and them), how to clean a fish, how to keep my area clean and safe—all this from my FATHER. We spent countless days and nights on that pier where he taught me what I now know and shared the secrets of life, listened to my problems and helped me make them better…’
I am not sure why this pier produced such a wide variety of fish species but it did include many warmer water species and unfortunately a lot of bullheads. I do know there is a deep submarine channel out there and maybe that brought in some fish. We also got lots of halibut and I caught my first squid on that pier. I loved watching them spit at you when you got them out of the water; Î also caught my first octopus there.
They now have a memorial for the Alaskan Air Liner that went down off the Mugu Coast. The lagoon, being one of the last natural lagoons in Southern California, is completely restricted and has also now become a refuge for sea lions and the such.”
Tim’s story was the genesis behind my research into the pier but as I did my research it was evident that the pier’s history was inseparably connected to another story, that of the “Fish Camp” at Point Mugu, a camp that existed in the lagoon long before the Navy took over the area. In fact, it was the people at that camp that built the original pier.
Apparently the camp was initially built by a group of hunters and fishermen who leased the land from the Pacific Steamship Company. The sportsmen, never a large group, could go duck hunting and use the harbor for fishing boats.
It was a private club that allowed its members both pleasure and privacy. Eventually it was called the “Has Been” Club and, according to George Bellah, an early member, “When we went to the camp, there we were, and no one to bother us. Play cards and have a good time was the rule. No one could come over the slough as the boat was kept on the other side and the current in the slough was too strong to swim.”
Somewhat later, around 1912, the camp was sold to Frank Kubota, a Japanese immigrant to America and it became a site for Japanese commercial fishermen who experienced excellent fishing in the nearby waters. Then, in the 1920s, Mr. Kubota built the pier and established the Fish Camp, which at first seemed to mainly cater to fellow Issei (first generation Japanese immigrants) but eventually was opened to the general public. The camp had tents, then wooden cabins, a Japanese-style communal bath, a tackle store, and concrete bait tanks near the entrance to the short pier. In time there would be Sportfishing boats and a fishing barge.
Point Mugu Live Bait Barge Company
Have now secured a large suitable Barge for fishing at Point Mugu fish camp. The regular charges for this days sport is $1.00. This will entitle you to the privilege of crossing the bridge and passage to and from the Barge. Tents for rent. —Frank K. Kubota, Manager —Oxnard Daily Courier, July 10, 1924
The 1920s was a time noted for huge giant (black) sea bass, particularly for those caught from California’s fishing barges, but a great many were also taken from piers including the one at Point Mugu.
500-Pound Fish
While fishing off the Point Mugu pier this morning Frank Kabota, proprietor of the Point Mugu Fish camp, caught a 500-pound Jew fish. This is one of the biggest fish habituating the waters at the fish camp and it took Kabota over a half an hour to land it. The fish measures over seven feet in length and has a large body. Frank has placed the prize catch on display and will show it to the many visitors at the camp tomorrow.
Fishing is reported exceptionally good at Point Mugu fish camp today. Larger fish are chasing the smaller fellows to the shore and with every breaker hundreds of fish may be seen trying to get away from the bigger fish. Barracuda, halibut and mackerel are running and the sport is great, says Kabota. —Oxnard Daily Courier, June 19, 1925
Surf fishing, pier fishing, barge fishing, and even live bait Sportfishing boats would soon be available at the camp.
The Point Mugu Fish Camp has secured a large Live Bait Fishing Boat. The Star Light. And are now ready to take passengers on trips to the Anacapa, Santa Cruz or other points of interest to Sportsman or Fishermen. Will charter for private parties. Fishermen are now bringing in Jew Fish, Halibut, Rock Cod, White Fish, Bass and other varieties freely the last few days. Also good fishing on the barges outside.—Oxnard Daily Courier, June 5, 1929
By the ‘30s, the camp had become a favorite place to escape for many in Los Angeles. Apparently that included many movie executives from Hollywood who visited the camp to hunt waterfowl, fish, and enjoy some privacy. There were occasional problems. In 1930 a visiting fisherman stepped back to allow a car to pass on the bridge into the camp and fell into the water. His body was never recovered.
Then, again in 1930, the Sportfishing boat Star Light had to be rescued off of Anacapa Island. The boat had developed engine trouble, the Japanese pilot didn’t know how to fix the engine, and he had trouble contacting other boats due to his lack of English. The boat drifted for nine hours before another Sportfishing boat, the Mary Ann noticed the boat and towed the Star Light and its passengers to a landing place at the island. The next day the Mary Ann and another boat returned to the island and brought the 34 passengers back to the Fish Camp. But fishing remained good and the camp and pier grew.
Lengthen Pier
Five hundred feet is being added to the dock at the Point Mugu fish camp, according to George Bellah. Piers are being sunk today. —Oxnard Daily Courier, March 26, 1935
Number of Large Fish Taken at Mugu Camp
Quality more than made up for quantity at Point Mugu Fish Camp the past few days. The number of small halibut caught has somewhat decreased, but the quantity of large fish taken from the water has increased considerably. Yesterday one 28 ½ pounder, one 23 pounder and a half dozen 18 and 20 pounders, while dozens or more 15 pounders were landed from the pier. Sunday, the large crowd was present with fishing somewhat slow in the forenoon, while the afternoon more than made up for the slack period earlier in the day. Frank Kabota, the manager states the pier is crowded on Sundays and suggests that those who can should take advantage of weekdays when fishing is more comfortable and chance of landing large ones better. —Oxnard Daily Courier, July 10, 1935
Fishermen Break Pt. Mugu Camp Record
Fishermen from Santa Paula and Venture broke the halibut record at Point Mugu this week for season and gave local anglers something “big” to aim for. Harvey Schuyler, 139 Oak Street, Santa Paula, last Sunday landed a 53-pound halibut from the barge, the largest so far for 1935. The halibut measured 56 inches in length and 22 inches in width. W. J. Stuart, 222 ½ Vince Street, Ventura, on the same day, topped the previous pier record of 31 pounds by taking a 33 pounder. However, Los Angeles anglers seem to favor the big ones, as Ray Darsie, Griffith Park Golf course, on July 30, landed from the barge a 400-pound jewfish. This makes more than a dozen large jewfish landed this season from the barge, practically all by Los Angeles fishermen. During the past week halibut fishing slowed up somewhat in quantity but on average were larger. Sunday crowds continue to fill the pier, while there is elbowroom for those who are able to do so, throughout the weekdays. —Oxnard Daily Courier, August 3, 1935
In 1936 Kubota sold the camp to W. C. Welton and E. J. Steckel who announced they would make many improvements and initially things seemed fine. But never forget Mother Nature! January 1937 saw a huge winter storm strike the camp, a storm that washed out 200 feet of the 500-foot-long pier and inflicted damage throughout the camp. The new owners, who had promised to rebuild the pier, said the storm had simply saved them the trouble of tearing the old one down. Work started immediately on restoring the pier, fixing the road and bridge, building additional cabins, and developing an auto trailer camp.
Extensive Work At Point Mugu Fish Camp
From present indications the new proprietors expect to have everything in tip-top shape by the time halibut begin to run, possibly in five or six weeks. The new pier will be as large or possibly larger than the old pier; also another advantage to fishermen’s liking, the new pier will be built with a “T” shape instead of the previous “Y” shape affair. —Oxnard Daily Courier, March 8, 1937
By April 1937 the pier had been finished and by May they had the barge ready to go along with a new Sportfishing boat the Falcon. In addition to the Falcon their fleet would include the Spray, a boat that figures prominently in the history of Southern California Sportfishing.
Then, in September 1939, a new storm struck the area. Called a hurricane at the time, but in truth a tropical chubasco, it had already moved up the coast from Baja damaging and destroying piers from San Diego to Los Angeles. It now reached Ventura County and claimed a new victim—the Point Mugu Pier. That loss paled in comparison to the human loss from the storm.
On September 25, 1939, newspapers carried the headlines — Recover Body From “Spray” Disaster; 24 Killed, Two Survivors When Fishing Vessel Overturns. A southeasterly gale struck the coast while the Spray was attempting to return from a trip to Anacapa Island. About three-fourth of a mile west of the camp, and only 75 yards off shore, a huge comber washed over the deck and swept the pilot house holding 24 people into the sea. Only two people survived and it was the largest loss of life to a boat in California’s Sportfishing industry. [Some sources say 23 bodies were lost; some say 29] In addition, the storm washed out the pier, sent cabins into the slough, ripped out the tent cottages, and flooded all the buildings at the camp.
Great History of the pier. I spent many hours on the pier from 1972-1976 and times after.
Thanks for the nice comment. Ken
Thanks for the memories. I fished that pier as a young’n with my family during the mid to late 70’s.
Lots of croaker and mack with the occasional bonito. Squid too.
My father would send a hoop net down and bring up rock crab, spider crab and LOBSTER!
I wish I had known about it a little sooner, would loved to have fished it.
I spent most of my working hours in the the 80s on that list.
Got to office get get coffee going and set rice cooker
and off the pier until lunch. Was the plan for my last ¹8 months
In the Navy.
That where you could find myself or the chief if you
had a drug issue.
How can I find more information on the restaurant from 60-70
My grandparents were a part of this place
Point Mugu Pier, a forgotten gem, once teemed with halibut, rockfish, and a vibrant marine tapestry.
Echoes of the past resonate with tales of the Point Mugu Pier’s rich bounty and lost camaraderie